Post Orthodontic Aesthetic Treatment? When and How?
by Chiesa Alessandro
The importance of treatments to improve the smile aesthetic has always been one of the most important condition in the choice of the therapy procedure by the dental team. When and how is it possible to enhance the smile and gratify the patient at the end of a hard therpeutic iter such as the orthodontic one? The various bleaching techniques in the office and at home will be analyzed with the different types of peroxides that the market today offers and their combination, their pros and cons as well as when it is preferable to choose one or the other, going to promote protocols of updated use of the various products and experimental clinical studies conducted at the University of Pavia. The effectiveness of camouflage techniques of post-orthodontic white enamel lesions will be evaluated, along with the most suitable indices to arrive at their correct diagnosis and their treatment with the most appropriate remineralization protocols. Post-orthodontic maintenance protocols will be provided based on the identification of the various risk factors present
Learning Objectives
After this lecture, you will be able to evaluate white enamel lesion
After this lecture, you will be able to choice best bleaching treatment
After this lecture, you will be able to make a re-mineralization protocol